Congratulations to Athena Akrami, whose paper in Nature is now out (link here).

Athena Akrami
In this paper, Athena combined formal algorithmic behavioral analysis, optogenetic inactivations, and electrophysiological recordings in rats to show that Posterior Parietal Cortex (PPC) is specifically involved in the representation and use of prior sensory experience in Parametric Working Memory (PWM) tasks, where rats compare two sequential auditory stimuli, separated by a delay.
Here’s two fantastic pieces, both on Athena’s paper, one a News and Views piece in Nature by Prof. Laura Busse: Working memory freed from the past, and the other in Neuron by Prof. f. Miguel Maravall : Cortical Lifelogging: The Posterior Parietal Cortex as Sensory History Buffer.